2. Justin gains an average of 11,000 followers a day - about 2-4 followers per second
3. Pernah ada fans yg mention justin gini “Please don't duet with Rebecca Black” dan Justin menjawab di dm, “Don't worry it'll NEVER happen”.
4. Beliebers are the most followed fans on twitter
5. Pattie: I think that it's weird how loads of girls want to marry my son.
6. Justin once kissed a poster of himself and said "Yup, I'm a great kisser".
7. Justin once saw a spider and ran out the room screaming "GET IT KENNY".
8. Justin gets 10 Mentions in 1 second.
9. Justin loves to be protective, "I learned from my father.."
10. Justin sedih karena tahu kalau OLLG di Indonesia itu bukan org Indonesia asli.
11. Justin Bieber adalah musisi ke-9 terkaya di dunia, versi majalah Forbes.
13. Justin believes in God
14. Hanya ada 18 orang yang bernama “Justin Bieber” di amerika! Woaah
15. Tinggi justin sekarang 172 cm. woah tambah tinggi ya :D
16. justin pengen banget punya pulau yang hanya ditinggali sama dia, crewnya, keluarganya, dan beliebers :) *OMO!!!*
17. Justin punya dua boneka beruang, satu bernama Willis dan yang satunya Mr. Bear
18. dulu sebelum terkenal, justin sering di bully gara-gara dia cengeng :(
19. dulu itu Justin miskin banget, tapi sekarang? Nggak usah di Tanya deh, dia aja musisi terkaya urutan 9 fersi majalah Forbes -_-
20. justin takut badut, laba - laba, kecoa, tikus dan petir. Buseeeet
21. saat caitlin masih jadian sama justin, caitlin sering diejek sama teman-temannya garagara pacaran sama orang miskin :’(
22. Hair Flip bieber jadi salah satu hairstyles paling sering di tiru di kalangan remaja laki – laki XD
23. Justin membatalkan tripnya dan memilih menjaga selena di rumah sakit
24. Justin suka cewek berambut lurus dan berwarna hitam, serta memiliki mata berwarna biru
25. Justin: "The only time I get nervous is when I meet a cute girl."
26. Lagu favorit Justin di albumnya adalah “Down To Earth” karena menurutnya lagu itu sangat berarti untuknya :’)
27. “The shampoo in the tour bus showers? Pantene!” - Justin Bieber”
28. Justin ingin mempunyai pacar yang mencintai dia dengan tulus bukan untuk ketenaran.
29. Justin pernah bilang kalo Selena kaya Barbie
30. Justin ngebuat twitter pada tanggal 29 Juni 2009
31. Justin tau ''Dog'' dalam bahasa Indonesia
32. Justin listens to all of his music on his albums to remind himself of how far he has come
33. Justin selalu melihat ke arah wanita sebentar dan kemudian menciumnya
34. Pelajaran yang paling di sukai adalah Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika
35. Apparently when you spray Justin's perfume you magically fly away together. Mosok sih?
36. Justin pikir lucu ketika seorang gadis takut pada lebah
37. justin sama keluarganya udah membahas tentang justin masuk universitas kalo dia siap dan hal ini lagi didiskusikan
38. justin sama keluarganya udah membahas ttg justin masuk universitas kalo dia siap dan hal ini lagi didiskusikan
39. Justin bilang "bersyukurlah atas apa yang kamu punya sekarang"
40. Justin membenci gadis yang merokok
41. All of the proceeds from Someday go to charity. Good boy :’D
42. When Justin told Pattie that he's dating Selena she said; You better go date a Belieber Justin :)
43. justin bilang kalau dia bakal kemana - mana tanpa keluarganya. Bohong banget justin -_-
44. Selena asked Justin to stop doing 'OLLG' in his shows, and Justin said NO because it's a tradition :’D
45. "I want to sit next to all you girls in math class" - Justin ;)
46. justin once threw a book at scooter and said: hey scooter. i just face-booked you. Justin garing ih -_-
47. Kim Kardashian, Caitlin Beadles, Jasmine Villegas and Selena Gomez have all recieved death threats.
48. Ketika Justin ditanya apakah ia akan pindah ke Australia dia mengatakan ya dalam sekejap
49. Justin Bieber's first tweet was on 8:27 PM on May 11, 2009.
50. Justin bisa bersiul lewat hidung LOL
51. Justin tidak pernah tahu bahwa ayahnya (Jeremy) menangis saat konsernya sampai akhirnya dia tau setelah melihat film biografinya sendiri (Never Say Never)
52. Justin is now the SECOND most followed person on Twitter, and he has just passed Britney Spears!
53. Ryan and Chaz once hid Justin's passport so he wouldn't leave Stratford :) itu berarti mereka sangat sayang pada sahabatnya itu :’D
54. 29 juli 2010 justin mendapat 4 juta followers
55. Justin said the haters don't bother him because more people love him than hate on him.
56. justin mendapat 10 mention perdetik
57. Justin wishes he could answer everybody on twitter
58. Justin once said "If I had a twin, I would follow him around all day and tell him how handsome he is." :)
59. Justin gets embarrassed when his mom tries fixing his hair or outfit in front of girls or paparazzi.
60. kostum basketnya justin itu nomer 6, dan kostum sepakbolanya nomer 9.
61. justin selalu menyapa fansnya dgn panggilan "gorgeous","precious",atau "beautiful" di setiap acara meet & greet.
62. justin loves reminding his fans how much they mean to him and how special they truly are
63. Justin: "The only time I get nervous is when I meet a hot girl."
64. justin pernah nangis gara2 liat 2 org gadis yg mnunggu justin di luar tmpat konser karna ga ada uang buat beli tiket :(
65. Justin menyebut kata “Smile” 36 kali dalam lagu U Smile
66. justin takut kalo beliebers bakalan ngelupain dia
67. Justin: "Yeah I flirt, but I would NEVER play with a girl's heart"
68. Sereal favorite justin adalah Captain Crunch dengan berry
69. Justin have seen so many girl with " I HEART JUSTIN BIEBER" tshirts, he now has a t-shirts that says "I HEART GIRLS"
70. Justin made a French version of One Less Lonely Girl
71. Justin had his first kiss at a school dance when he was 13, listening to How To Save A Life by the Fray
72. vanessa price adalah hair stylish yg menata potongan rambut baru justin
73. kalo justin meliat ada fans nya yang cantik dia akan ngajak foto bareng
74. Justin suka tacos
75. Justin said " I love my fans more than anything" ah masa sih tin? Gasalah tuh :P
76. justin benci kalo ada cwok yang menilai cewek hanya dari penampilan luarnya saja
77. Justin always thank God, because he has come where it is today,(NeverSayNever)
78. 0,27 persentase semua tweet yang telah menyebut justin.
79. Justin said he could not live without his fans
80. Justin enjoyed writing the song Down to Earth
81. justin bilang wanita yg sempurna itu adlah ibunya :')
82. Justin menangis ketika rekaman lagu ‘Pray’
83. Justin bilang rambut kriting itu seksi *-*
84. Justin hanya membutuhkan waktu dua menit untuk memecahkan sebuah rubic cube
85. Justin hanya membutuhkan waktu tiga menit untuk menandatangani 50 posters
86. Tanggal 3 Februari 2011 justin mendapat 7 juta followers
87. Justin Bieber "I don't understand why my fans ask for a hug like I don't mind just come and hug me." :)
88. Justin Bieber di temukan Scotter Braun (manager Justin sekarang) pada tahun 2008
89. Justin ada di peringkat pertama ‘Google Trends Hot Searches List’
90. Justin is often featured in popular teen magazines like Tiger Beat
91. Justin and the Beliebers are called the most influential on the internet. ♥
92. justin thinks that a true man would show the girl that he loved EVERY day, not just on Valentines day.
93. When Justin meets fans, he always hugs them. If he doesn't let go for a while it means he likes you ;)
94. Justin Drew Bieber, born Tuesday March 1, 1994, @ 12:56AM, St. Jude Hospital, London, Ontario, Canada at 7lb 11oz :')
95. Ketika ada orang asing menelepon di ponselnya ia akan mengganti suaranya menjadi suara gadis british haha
96. Justin suka dipeluk
97. selena has a crush on justin. justin thinks she’s cute, but they’re just good friends. Hah? Gasalah tuh?
98. Justin menangis ketika Michael Jaxon meninggal :’(
99. Justin punya dua orang adik, yaitu satu adik perempuan bernama jazmyn, dan adik laki – laki bernama jaxon. Mereka berdua bukan saudara kandung tapi justin sangat menyayangi kedua adiknya itu.
100. Lagu ‘Down To Earth’ diciptakan untuk ayahnya.
source : http://ocacca.blogspot.com